Some weeks ago I was making sure that the JMSJCA connector runs
properly on BEA Weblogic 9.1. Of course I ran into some issues: never
assume that your code is really portable until you try it out. I also
found some issues in Weblogic. Now I
don't want to make this into a bashing session of Weblogic: since I
work for Sun Microsystems, and Weblogic can be considered a competitor
or Glassfish, that would be in bad taste. However, there's one thing
that bugged me a lot and for which I want to share a solution: logging.
Dude, where's my log output?
At SeeBeyond (and of course at Sun) we standardized on the use of java.util.logging. You could
argue whether java.util.logging
is technically the best solution, but since it's a standard it's a lot
better if you use that package than it is to write your own or use
third party logging tools. Standardization gives portability! So,
JMSJCA, STCMS, etc all use java.util.logging.
When I started to run my test suite on Weblogic, I was surprised
that the log output from the tests did not end up in one of the
Weblogic log
files. Instead, output
appeared on the console. Surely there was a configuration option
somewhere in Weblogic to fix this, right? I couldn't find one. The
problem became even more annoying when I tried to enable debug logging.
In Glassfish you go to the logging configuration screen, and you simply
type the name of the logging category that you want to change, select
the level and that's it. Not so in Weblogic. What was going on? It was
time to look a little deeper into this.
How Weblogic uses java.util.logging.
I must admit that the Weblogic documentation is good, and very
easily accessible. I wish we had the same situation at SeeBeyond.
Anyway, from the documentation it appeared that Weblogic fully supports
java.util.logging: I quote
from the documentation:
To distribute messages, WebLogic Server supports Java based
logging by default. The LoggingHelper
class provides access to the java.util.logging.Logger
object used for server logging. [snip] If your application is
configured for Java Logging or Log4j, in
order to publish application events using WebLogic logging services,
create a custom handler or appender that relays the application events
to WebLogic logging services using the message catalogs or Commons API.
Eh, what do you mean... LoggingHelper
class? Can't I just use java.util.logging
without depending on any Weblogic classes? Do I have to write custom code?
And how do I change log levels dynamically? Isn't there an option in
the admin console to do that? An MBean perhaps? I was really surprised
to find this recommendation:
If you use the DEBUG severity level, BEA recommends that you
create a "debug mode" for your application. For example, your
application can create an object that contains a Boolean value. To
enable or disable the debug mode, you toggle the value of the Boolean.
Then, for each DEBUG message, you can create a wrapper that outputs the
message only if your application's debug mode is enabled.
For example, the following code can produce a debug message:
private static boolean debug =
if (debug) {
debuggy happened");
To enable your application to print this message, you include the
following Java option when you start the application's JVM:
That was a good recommendation... TEN YEARS AGO!
A fix
Fortunately, things are not as grim as they look. It's quite easy to
write a little bit of code that is deployed globally independently of
your application, so that you can continue to use java.util.logging without
sprinkling Weblogic dependencies all over your application. First of
all, what's all this with this BEA logger? As it turns out, during
startup, Weblogic instantiates a java.util.logging.Logger
object and hooks a number of Handler
objects to it. So if you log to that particular logger, your log output
will appear in one of the Weblogic log files. Can't you get access
to this Logger using Logger.getLogger(name)? No you
cannot: Weblogic is not using the LogManager at all. That particular
logger is not registered in the LogManager.
That is the reason why you need to use the weblogic.logging.LoggingHelper.getServerLogger()
Once we have a reference to this special Logger object, we can get
a list of the Handler
objects. Next, we can assign this list to the root logger object. As a
result, whenever you use a Logger
object obtained through Logger.getLogger(),
the output will go to the Weblogic handlers. Problem solved!
Of course we want to centralize this code: afterall we don't want to
introduce this dependency in our application code. There are two ways
of doing this: we can write our own LogManager and set that as the
JVM's LogManager
singleton. We can do this because Weblogic doesn't set a LogManager. The other approach
is to write a Weblogic startup class. An instance of this class is
created at server startup and its startup()
method is called. This is the approach I've taken:
package com.sun.bealog;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.logging.Handler;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.LogManager;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.naming.Context;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import weblogic.common.T3ServicesDef;
import weblogic.common.T3StartupDef;
import weblogic.logging.LoggingHelper;
\* Allows logging by applications and components using the java.util.logging
\* package by sending output from java.util.logging.Logger-s to the
\* WebLogic trace file.
\* @author fkieviet
public class BeaLog implements T3StartupDef {
public String startup(String string, Hashtable hashtable) throws Exception {
String result = "";
Logger wllogger = LoggingHelper.getServerLogger();
Handler[] wlhandlers = wllogger.getHandlers();
// Change log level on log file handler
for (int i = 0; i < wlhandlers.length; i++) {
if (wlhandlers[i].getLevel().intValue() >= 530) {
result += "log level changed of " + wlhandlers[i] + "; ";
// Copy handlers from wllogger to rootlogger
Logger rootlogger = Logger. getLogger("");
Handler[] toremove = rootlogger.getHandlers();
for (int j = 0; j < toremove.length; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < wlhandlers.length; i++) {
result += "root handler now has " + rootlogger.getHandlers().length + " handlers; ";
// Register wllogger so that it can be manipulated through the mbean
boolean alreadythere = !LogManager.getLogManager().addLogger(wllogger);
// Register mbean
InitialContext ctx = null;
String[] names = new String[] {"java:comp/jmx/runtime", "java:comp/env/jmx/runtime"};
for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
try {
ctx = new InitialContext();
MBeanServer mbeanServer = (MBeanServer) ctx.lookup(names[i]);
new ObjectName("java.util.logging:type=Logging"));
result += "mbean registered; ";
} catch (Exception e) {
// ignore
} finally {
// For Java CAPS: disable two commonly used loggers that are used to
// relay call context information
return this.getClass().getName() + result;
private void safeClose(Context ctx) {
if (ctx != null) {
try {
} catch (NamingException ignore) {
// ignore
public void setServices(T3ServicesDef t3ServicesDef) {
As you may have noticed, there's another problem that's solved in
the code snippet above: dynamice log level configuration. The JVM's
logging package ships with an MBean that allows you to set the log
levels dynamically. The only thing that needs to be done is to register
this MBean in Weblogic's MBeanServer
(Weblogic has an
unusual way to access its MBeanServer
as you can see in the code). From then on, you can use a tool like jmx-console to access the
logging mbean and set the log levels.